All 60M SoldDollars set aside for staking are now in Jupiter's Time-Locked Vault until we hit our $1 target. $SOLD holders placed their vote and tokens are locked until April 4th, 2025.

DEV wallet is locked for ONE YEAR, until November 4th, 2025.

SOLD CA:  DQ2qtAGNjJowNziVh2U49jECznJth18eZtWTRbVinp6t


Join us on our journey to $1, and collect interest from your SolDollars!

SolDollar is going to become fastest growing Meme Coin in the world. Launched by the DeGens, for DeGens!

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SolDollar won't be this price forever!

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Growing Communityand unstoppable

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Developer Notes

The mission of SolDollar is to create a stable and rewarding digital asset that combines the fun and community-driven nature of meme coins with the financial stability and interest-bearing benefits of traditional currencies.

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